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How Much Do Sash Windows Cost? UK Price Comparison

Sash or, ‘double-hung’ windows, are an undeniable classic that improves the look and feel of any home. Furthermore, whilst standard casement windows are often the default due to their functionality, security and affordability, modern sash windows are just as simple and secure; in fact, provided they are installed using good quality materials, they can actually be much more durable in the long-term. So, how much does a sash window cost? Well, here’s the short answer.

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A rough estimate: up to £1,300 (per window)

Whilst obviously a rough approximation and the overall outlay will vary depending on whether you go for the cheapest or most expensive option – not to mention whether you pay for installation or do it yourself – the industry average sash window price is between £1,000-£1,300.

To be specific, these are for traditional timber frames made from high-quality, treated wood, so you it can get pricey per window, your paying a premium in every sense of the word. On the other hand, if you like the style but are looking to keep costs as low as possible, uPVC sash windows start roughly around £700 per window.

Of course, these alternatives might not achieve the same effect as a classic sash window, but there are plenty of options on the market for you to strike a balance between a classic look and cost-effectiveness. Either way, sash windows can become a real statement feature in your home.

sash windows cost

Benefits of Sash Windows

Given the way in which casement windows open outwards, exposing the arm/axel(s) and other mechanisms to the outside elements, they can often wear more quickly over time – especially when subjected to harsher weather conditions like rain, sleet and snow.

Conversely, while old-fashioned, wooden sash windows can require some restoration/upkeep, keeping all of the mechanisms and metalwork internal and on the inside of your house, means they’re less likely to rust and weather like their casement counterparts.

Other advantages include:

  • Sleek design in keeping with the silhouette of your home
  • Sturdier, more robust design (for traditional wooden sashes)
  • Weight makes for a tighter seal and more security
  • Wooden timber sash windows have an average lifespan of 72 years!


Do original sash windows add value?

In truth, this one can vary depending on the type of build you’re talking about. On the one hand, whilst modern fittings are just as draught-excluding and waterproof as any casement window, original sash windows aren’t built to withstand as much. That being said, if your existing sash windows let in a noteworthy amount of air, moisture etc. and look visibly weathered, this can take away from other selling points, impact your energy efficiency and the overall value of your home.

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On the other hand, if your original sash windows are made of quality timber and are in good condition in general, they will no doubt add to the overall value of your property. It’s all about keeping the original aesthetic intact, complete with defining period features such as sash windows. They are, no doubt, an attractive and desirable addition to any home. Moreover, whilst original fixtures may not be as durable as present-day versions, they can still be well maintained through restoration rather than outright replacement.

Are sash windows more expensive than casement windows?

Typically, yes. As mentioned, sash and double-hung windows can set you back anywhere between £700-£1,3000, depending on whether you go for classic wooden frames or uPVC alternatives. The average price for a standard uPVC casement windows these days is around £300-£600 per window.

That being said, it is worth reminding you that uPVC sash windows start at around only £100 more, so if you want to balance style with spending, the switch to sash windows is still viable. If you have some wiggle room in your budget, it’s definitely worth considering some form of sash window as an option.

How do you replace an old sash window?

While replacing old sash windows involves a number of different steps, if done right and using the proper materials, it doesn’t have to be hard.

However, as always, the recommendation is to do your research; become familiar with the process and see how much of an undertaking this would be. Fortunately, there a plenty of video tutorials and step-by-step instructions available out there – like this video from Edinburgh Sash & Case.

Here is a breakdown of each step when replacing old sash windows:

Step 1: Dust sheet the property

Fairly self-explanatory. The removal and installation process involved working with wood, brick and sealants, so you don’t want to damage any of your interior. Lay down protective dust sheets over every surface, from the floor to your furnishings.

Step 2: Remove existing windows and casement

After removing any blinds, curtains etc., you can set about removing the existing windows and casements. Tools such as a power drill and a crowbar are suggested – avoid hammers and/or mallets so as not to damage brickwork. Also be sure to wear a mask and goggles for this task, as it is likely to be the messiest part of the job.

Step 3: Install the new casement

Prep the frame by removing any remaining debris and dust from the surrounding area. Wedge the new casement into place, taking care not to rest it on the window sill, so as to avoid water etc. from soaking into the base. Drill in all necessary screws to secure the casement panels.

Step 4: Seal the casement

Using an expanding foam or any purpose-built damp-proof sealant, seal the casement to the surrounding structure. Not only does is this a base-layer for weatherproofing your windows, but it acts as a guide when it comes to pointing.

Step 5: Weigh the sashes

Weigh the sash windows and the correct weight that will counter-balance each window. Be sure to double and triple-check when carrying out this process – it’s crucial for a smooth moving sash window.

Step 6: Installing the sashes

Each window is roped with sash cords: one is tied to the weight and the other is secured to the casement by feeding the sash cord through the pulley wheel. Then secure the remaining cord to the outermost window pane and slot it into place at the top of the window frame.

Step 7: Draft-proof the windows

Take your draft-proof seal and insert it around the second/outer window pane. You can then attach this window to the sash cord and slot it into place.

Step 8: Fit any metalwork/ironmongery

Again, self-explanatory: affix any handles, locks etc. to the windows. This also your last opportunity to make any adjustments as per the fit and movement of your sash windows, so be sure to take your time and make sure you’re happy with everything.

Step 9: Pointing the window to the stonework

Last but not least, apply your chosen sealant (mastic, mortar etc.) between the window and the stonework for your final layer of weatherproofing.

Remember, if in doubt, get a tradesman out. Nothing will bring you peace of mind and assure quality like a trained professional. Sash windows can be an expensive renovation, so it’s worth making sure the job’s done right.

Best of luck!

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Joe Bruckland

Joe Bruckland

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