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Double Glazing Cost – Compare Quotes and Prices Per Square Metre

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Did you know that having double glazed windows can help you to save, on average, over £100 a year on your energy costs?

Cold and rain can cause havoc here in Britain, so with double glazing windows helping your home to be more efficient when it comes to energy, they not only look great, but help you to put some money back in your own pocket as well.

If you haven’t got them already, then they are well worth investing in, which is why we’ve put together this guide on the cost and calculations involved in getting double glazed windows installed on to your house, apartment or property.

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Double Glazing Prices

When it comes to double glazing, the price you will pay depends on a number of factors, including the size, quality and quantity of what you want. This means there’s a wide price range, with double glazing cost per window falling anywhere between £100 to over £3,000, depending on what you decide to go for.

Some providers, although it’s not quite as common, may give you a double glazing cost per sqm, and this roughly equates to around about £80 per square meter. Always get a personalised quote from your manufacturer to get a more specific price.

You can find more information on what determines the price of your double glazing below, but here is a quick look at what you can expect to pay, on average, for the popular uPVC style of windows.

Style of Window Average Double Glazing Price Range (per window)
Casement uPVC Windows £100 – £1,300
Sash uPVC Windows cost £150 – £2,00
Turn and Tilt uPVC Windows £125 – £1,600
Bay uPVC Windows £250 – £3,000

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What Determines The Price of Double Glazing?

As we’ve just mentioned, the price of double glazing will be worked out depending on a number of different variables. Each manufacturer will have a different offering to choose from, but the main factors are type of window, style of window, size, energy rating and the overall finish.

Types of Double Glazed Windows

The overriding decision maker on the price of double glazed windows is not only the quality, but the type of window that you want to install on your house or property. There are a variety of different choices depending on the manufacturer, but we’ve highlighted three of the most popular choices below:

uPVC Windows

We’ve all heard somebody use the phrase “uPVC”, and that’s because it’s the UK’s number one choice of window type since it burst onto the scene in the 1980’s.

Officially known in the trade as unplasticised poly vinyl chloride, it is one of the most energy efficient windows out there and is easy to look after and clean. Not to mention being one of the most secure options on the market.

You’ll usually see this priced at a maximum of £1,300 for casement style windows, although this can alter if your windows are particularly big or you want a lot of them installed.

Timber Windows

The sight of wooden frames is becoming a thing of the past on newer build houses in the UK, but if you like the traditional look, nothing appears better than well constructed wood timber frames. Not only do they look good, but with the potential to add value to your property, they work as a cracking investment in homes both old and new.

As they’re built of timber, they did require plenty of care and attention, but if you do look after them properly you can expect them to really stand the test of time. That is reflected in the price as well, with usual estimates coming in at close to double the cost of a uPVC window of the same size.

Metal Windows

Often referred to as aluminium windows, this is the choice to go for if you are looking for something that is easily maintainable and doesn’t look bulky on your property.

Although it isn’t as efficient at keeping the heat inside your home, it has quickly become the modern choice and can be seen on the majority of newer properties around the country.

It’s perhaps no surprise that they are significantly cheaper than timber frames, given they are easier to maintain, but bear in mind that they are slightly more expensive than the uPVC alternative.

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Double Glazing Window Styles

Along with the type of window you choose, the style of it will also affect the overall price of your double glazing. For example, a single window will be a lot cheaper than a bay window, simply for the fact that you’ll require a lot more glass.

Properties in the UK tend to have a mixture of window styles across the property, so here are some of the most used styles in Britain and how they could change the costs of your new windows.

Casement Window

For many people, a window is a window, and what they’ll probably be thinking of is a casement window. This is by far the most used window in the UK, and is usually fitted with a hinge on the side of the window so that one pane can open, or if it’s a double window, a hinge on one side of each window so they can both be opened.

You’ll often see this made with a uPVC casement, and although they tend to be in white, there has been a rise in people opting for other colours such as black, brown or grey. On average, these can range from £100 to over £1,000 per window.

Sash Window

If you’ve ever watched the film Mary Poppins, or even seen a traditional property in London, you’ll be well aware of exactly what sash windows are. They are the traditional British window, which makes them the most desirable window style on the market.

As well as that, they are a real treasure on any home and help to add a serious amount of value to your property when it comes to selling. For those that haven’t heard of sash windows before, they are a duo of framed panels that can slide over each other, giving you the choice of which is the top or the bottom.

As they are a bit more technical than a more standard casement window, they usually cost a lot more and can be priced at upwards of £2,000 per window. For more details read our in-depth sash windows cost comparison.

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Bay Window

Extending out from your property, usually at the front of your house, bay windows often cost more for the simple fact that you usually need at least three windows, rather than one or two. This can mean they’re more than double the price of a casement style window.

Where bay windows come into their own is by letting in loads of light to your home, as well as giving panoramic views out of them. They also give you more room in your house, which is an area that most people use as a feature place for furniture.

Turn and Tilt Window

Often, people don’t actually realise they have this type of window because they are used to having a casement window that only opens one way. With tilt and turn windows, they do exactly what they say in their name. Not only do they open using a side hinge, but they can also be opened by a bottom hinge, which means the window will fall from the top.

The variety of movements means they get an extra tick in their box when it comes to security, as the tilt option means they can be opened to help with ventilation rather than having them turned open, which could encourage unwanted intruders.

The extra features do come at a cost, but one that is more than affordable at only a fraction above the standard casement windows.

Window Size

The style of your window will ultimately dictate the size of it. Whether that be square, rectangle or even round, the style normally directly links to the size. For example, a large bay window will cost you a lot more than a small window in a toilet or bathroom.

However, the size of your window can be changed and the time to do this is when you’re ready to buy new windows. It’s not an easy job and would require a professional as it’s likely to require structural changes to your property or home. We wouldn’t recommend this, unless you’re building a new house or adding an extension and can ask your architect to work the size of the windows you want into your plans and drawings.

Energy Efficiency

With so much talk about global warming and climate control, doing your bit for the environment is something we are all striving to do at the minute. Double glazing can help you to play your part in that, which is why it’s worth investing into a window with a high energy rating.

Although you might think that glass is just glass, there’s actually much more to it and the difference in quality can be quite remarkable. Before you buy any double glazing, check out what the manufacturer gives as the energy rating. A++ is the best that is out there in the current market, so if you can afford it, we highly recommend choosing this option over any other, as it will help to keep the warm air in and the cold draughts out.

More articles we published related energy efficiency in your household: new boiler cost as well as boiler service cost. We also have a piece on the benefits of underfloor heating.

Look and Finish

Like most things that are available to purchase in the home improvements world, the better they make your property look, the more you’ll have to pay to buy them.

It’s the same for double glazing, especially when it comes to the additional extras such as handles, security locks, window openings, frame colours and even the grain on the uPVC, metal or timber.

Often, the cheaper alternatives won’t come with these kinds of options, so if you’re looking for a window that is a bit more bespoke for what you want, then the more expensive options usually give you that kind of luxury. Don’t be mistaken though, the extra costs for the additional extras can soon add up and make your overall price a lot dearer than first quoted.

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Double Glazing FAQ’s

Buying new double-glazed windows isn’t something you should do on a whim, so give yourself time to do some research and ask your friends or family to give you any recommendations.

It’s important to do your homework, so here are a few questions that we regularly hear asked by customers across the industry:

Is It Worth Getting Double Glazing?

The simple and straightforward answer is yes. The benefits of double glazing are endless and make them a must have for any home in the UK, whether that’s a period property or a new build, they’re well worth shelling out the extra cash for.

For a start, the best grade A++ windows will keep you warm and your wallet sweet, with the best energy efficient windows helping you to save a fortune on your heating and energy bills. Forget about digging out the water bottle and jumpers when winter comes around, double glazed windows will help to keep you warm in the cold and cool in the summer.

For that reason, they add considerable value to your property and although they make your property look better, they’re an excellent investment as well. That’s a win-win in our book. It’s not just money that they’ll help you to save either. Double glazing is better for the environment as they will help you to reduce your property’s energy consumption levels.

How Long Do Double Glazed Windows Last?

In theory, the higher quality double glazing that you buy, the longer it should last you. As a minimum, you should expect it to last at least 20 years, with the best products lasting considerably longer than that. Maintenance is the key, with some houses keeping with the same windows for thirty or forty years.

If something is to break down, it’s usually the seals or a hinge that goes first, although these can be replaced fairly easily and cheaply. Take particular care with any windows that are facing towards the South, as these will get most of the heat and sunlight, and are more prone to problems than other windows on the property, although it should take decades for this to happen.

Many of the top double glazing firms will even offer you a warranty or guarantee so that you can be safe in the mind that if something does go wrong, they’ll be back out to fix it or even replace it.  Often these guarantees will cover all aspects of the windows, including any condensation that occurs or even any discoloured areas that appear.

Is It Worth Replacing Old Double Glazing?

If you have noticed any problems with your current double glazing, or if you want something that is more energy efficient, then we strongly recommend replacing your current windows with some new ones.

Of course, this will be an expensive decision to make for the majority of people, especially with most homes having somewhere between eight and 12 sets of windows, but it will be a worthwhile investment nonetheless.

How Can I Tell If My Double Glazing Needs Replacing?

There are some common tell tale signs that your double glazing needs replacing, and its important to act quickly if you notice any of the below:

Feeling Draughts – If you’re constantly feeling draughts from your windows, then they most certainly need replacing sooner, rather than later. It’s likely that the seals have broken down, which means the cold draughts will contribute to your heating being turned on more often and therefore an increase in the cost of your energy bills.

Movement In Frames – Badly fitted frames can also cause draughts to get into your house and this is usually down to your windows being fitted with expanding foam around the outside. As well as this, the cheaper style of uPVC have a tendency to warp over time and leave your windows looking unloved and in need of a revamp.

Condensation – One of the easiest signs of you needing to replace your windows is condensation. If you notice this appearing on the inside of your frames, then there is no better indication that your seals are broken. Some companies offer you the option of changing the glass in your windows, but the better option is to replace your entire window with some new ones. Always double check with your original installer first, as condensation issues are often covered under warranties.

Window Stains – Technically known as desiccant, this is when you can visibly see bits of dirt and dust inside your window pains. Always wash down your windows first to double check that it isn’t on the outside, but if the worst is feared, then it’s likely that your seals have failed. Like with condensation, there’s no other solid option other than to fully replace your windows for some new double glazing.

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Ready To Buy?

Loftera has extensive industry experience in home improvements and our team of experts have the know-how in making your home look better than ever before.

Whether you’re wanting advice on what double glazing will be best for your property or you fancy getting your loft converted into a new space, just get in touch and we’ll be more than happy to help.

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Joe Bruckland

Construction Expert and founder of Loftera

Having immersed myself in the construction and home improvement world for over two decades, I’ve developed a deep-seated passion and expertise in the intricacies of the industry. My journey, beginning on construction sites and evolving to helm significant home renovation projects, has provided me with a hands-on perspective and a wealth of knowledge that I bring to Loftera. Holding certifications from premier industry bodies, I’ve been a go-to consultant for leading construction magazines, participated in industry forums, and collaborated with renowned tradesmen and architects across the UK. My mission is simple: to demystify the complexities of home improvement, ensuring homeowners are empowered with information that is both current and reliable. Through Loftera, I aim to provide insights that are a blend of field experience and data-driven research, cementing my commitment to be an authoritative voice in the home improvement landscape.

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